Saturday, September 12, 2015

Growing a Farmer Reaction

First off, I like the tone of Timmermeister's writing. It's quite friendly and personal, and some of the analogies he uses are fairly amusing ("a sad little government-run operation with a decorating streak stuck in the disco era", anyone?). One random thing that strikes me is his imagined scenario of how an invasive nonnative blackberry plant was introduced, as a tiny half-dead plant in a plain parcel. What may have been a tiny and inconsequential souvenir of a far-off land ended up transforming the land radically. I find that pretty interesting, butterfly effect and whatnot. I also like how he openly talks about his insecurities, like how he wasn't quite comfortable being open with the realtor or the tractor dealers, or even with his restaurant employees once he'd stopped eating the food there. And finally, I liked how he decided against buying a large farm a few towns away because he knew he would never fit in with the community.


  1. I also think the idea that such a small thing like a tiny half dead plant or any invasive species that radically changes its environment is pretty amazing. I witnessed something like this in orange county where someone had released a couple of red-crowned parrots back around 2000 and now if you go towards Irvine they are everywhere.

  2. I also like Timmermeister's writing style. It is easy to follow, very personal, and it sounds like he is very into telling us about his experience.

  3. I agree with Joseph the idea of a tiny half dead plant or invasive species that could radically change its environment is amazing. Although, I have never witnessed one myself!

  4. I think its interesting how you note that he decided against buying a large farm in an area that wouldn't fit in with the community. This shows his business acumen and makes me curious to know other decisions he will make throughout the book.

  5. The butterfly effect is a great concept. Most of the time I hear about it in a negative way, so it's refreshing to hear about more positive transformations.

  6. I agree with you and all the commenters. The butterfly effect is an interesting concept and I'm glad you bought it into discussion!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. The Butterfly effect...something I never really learned about or was taught but seems pretty fascinating and interesting.

  9. I also like the analogy "a sad little government run operation...," it made me try and create a mental picture of what his business looked like.
