Monday, November 30, 2015

Challenge for Africa post 3: The Criminal Projective in 3D

In one section I read, Maathai discusses how the concept of land ownership has changed since the arrival of colonists. Originally, land was considered to be generally owned by a family, but when the colonists came in, they introduced the concept of land nominally owned by a single family member, sealed by a contract. I find that the native method is a lot more reasonable, especially considering the structure of tribal society.
Maathai also criticizes how the African tourism industry is controlled predominantly by foreign companies, while local Africans mostly perform service-level jobs for the industry. She recommends that the industry be run by local Africans with the local people and culture in mind, and believes it could help create a richer cultural experience. I also think that this is a good idea, as it can revitalize the economy in a way that is directly helpful to locals.

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