Monday, November 2, 2015

Stuff again.

Later today I'll be able to register for classes, so I guess I'll talk about what I'm taking. For my Animation minor, I'll be taking "Animation Theory and Techniques" (which is basically working on the thesis project), and "Visual Music". I tried to take the Visual Music class last year, but it filled up really quickly. For my Math major, I'm taking 475 - Introduction to Theory of Complex Variables - and 445 - Mathematics of Physics and Engineering. I think 445 has some overlap with 475, and there are a couple other classes I'd rather be taking, but it's one of the only ones that fits into my schedule. And as a random elective I'm taking Introduction to Digital Logic. No idea why, it just sounds interesting. It's a 102 class, so it should be pretty easy. For the most part, I don't want to bog myself down with too much homework, because I want a lot of time to work on my animation thesis. And hopefully I'll be able to use some stuff from the Visual Music class in my thesis too. So, yeah, that should be cool. Last semester ever! And it's the first time that I'm taking less than 16 units. Cause some of the classes are 2 or 3 units. Then I'll be gone.


  1. While there's definitely commonalities between animation, math, and music, it's pretty cool to see how diverse your courseload is going to be next semester. Breadth and depth-- reminds me, I should figure my own schedule out too

  2. That's awesome, I had no idea you were an animation minor. I do screenwriting

  3. Hello Kevin,

    It's awesome that you're a math major! Math has always been my most challenging subject. Introduction to Digital Logic sounds like it would be a very interesting class. I enjoyed learning about your upcoming classes. I would suggest you consider organizing your writing so that it is easier to navigate through the text and withdraw information.


    Brandon Delijani

  4. Its crazy how time goes by so fast. I'm finishing up school this year as well and can't believe I'll be gone from USC soon!

  5. It's honestly a scary thought that we are almost half way done with the school year. I am truly going to miss USC.

  6. I remember in one of my classes my professor asked us to put away our laptops but a student refused because he had to sign up for classes. It reminds me of how much pressure we were all under every time we signed up for classes. A few seconds and a fast laptop never mattered more. It really hit me that I was a graduating in a few weeks when I realized that it never crossed my mind to sign up for classes this semester

  7. Class registration is the worst and very stressful. Your classes seem very interesting.
